Call for Papers: Continuing Knowledge for Professional Engineers in Canada and USA


The Journal of Innovative Ideas in Engineering and Technology (JIIET) announces a Call for Paper issue for Professional Engineers in Canada and the United States of America. In many states and provinces, publishing a paper in peer-reviewed journals accounts for 10-15 hours of continuing education/knowledge requirements for renewing the PE licence. Here is a snapshot of some:

 Ontario, Canada: Continuing Knowledge FAQ | Professional Engineers Ontario (

“Contributions to knowledge includes … publication of papers on topics of interest to the engineering community; preparation and publication of articles in technical or trade journals or magazines….† 

 Quebec, Canada: Guide_application_reglement_fc.pdf (

“Publication du texte : seuls les documents publiés peuvent être admissibles. Est considéré comme « publié » un article ou un ouvrage rendu public sur support physique, électronique ou virtuel par un éditeur externe à l’employeur de l’auteur ou encore par une association professionnelle.â€

Translate to English: Publication of the text: only published documents may be eligible. Is considered " published " an article or a work made public on a physical, electronic or virtual medium by a publisher external to the author's employer or again by a professional association.

 Alberta, Canada: cpd-continuing-professional-development-program.pdf (

“publish paper in peer-reviewed technical journal: 1 paper = 15 CPD hoursâ€

 Michigan, USA: Continuing-Education-Requirements-for-PE.pdf (

“E. Publishing a peer-reviewed paper, article, or book in the licensee’s area of professional practiceâ€

 Ohio, USA: Section 4733.151 - Ohio Revised Code | Ohio Laws

“A registrant may earn ten continuing professional development hours for authoring relevant published papers, articles, or books.†

What you need to publish:

  • The title of your project
  • The name of the author/authors
  • Abstract of your project (200-250 words to describe your project, optional for the Freelancer section)
  • A poster, a research paper, or an extended abstract

 Why JIIET? 

  • Publish with us and receive credits for your continuing knowledge requirements to renew your license.
  • Our editorial and review team is highly qualified and professional. They have dedicated their time and efforts to advancing the fields of Engineering and Technology. Therefore, we will help you to improve the quality of your work by providing constructive feedback.
  • We are one of the few journals that publish research articles written by researchers and freelancers, Learn more here:
  • JIIETis an open-access, peer-reviewed journal, which provides a platform for authors to publish their work, receive credentials, and associate their names with their idea(s).
  • You keep the copyright of the published work. This means you are in control of your idea(s).
  • Our publication process is very fast: a one-week publication guarantee.
  • Our journal is indexed in Google Scholar.

 Where to submit:

  • Register at
  • Click on New Submission
  • Select Scholar, Freelancer, College, or High School Section
  • Check all submission requirements
  • Upload your file (poster or paper)
  • Select Article Text
  • In the Metadata tab, enter the Title, Abstract, and Keywords of your project(s)
  • You can also add other team members in the List of Collaborators section

Deadline: There is no set date as we have a rolling publication policy - where we continually publish papers. It will take one week to hear back from us.

If the above submission process seems too far complicated for you, simply email your work to, and we will take care of your submission.


 Dr. Hassan Nameghi, Editor of the Journal of Innovative Ideas in Engineering and Technology, (313) 317-1746