Call for paper: rolling submissions and one-week publication guarantee


The Journal of Innovative Ideas in Engineering and Technology (JIIET) is announcing its new policy for one-week publication-guarantee and rolling submissions. The call for papers with the fast publication process is intended to help researchers and students in publishing their innovative works on-time. The reviewing, decision-making, and publishing will be in a one-week framework. For the scholar section, if your paper lacks scholar content or it has been poorly written, the time to publication may be slightly longer depending on the reviewer’s comments.

Journal has four sections: Scholar, Freelancer, College Student, and High School Student.  The “Scholar” section publishes the professional research papers whereas the “Freelancer” section tends to publish the innovative works by general public. The student sections publish the work by undergraduate and high school students in competitions and in class. Learn more at

What you need to publish:

  • The title of your project
  • The name of the author/authors
  • Abstract of your project (200-250 words to describe your project, optional for “Freelancer” section)
  • A poster, a research paper, or an extended abstract

 Why JIIET? 

  • Our editorial and review team is highly qualified and professional. They have dedicated their time and efforts in advancing the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM). Therefore, we will help you to improve the quality of your work by providing constructive feedback.
  • We are the one the few journals that publishes research articles written by students and freelancers.
  • JIIET is an open-access, peer-reviewed journal, which provides a platform for authors to publish their work, receive credential(s), and associate their name with their idea(s).
  • You keep the copyright of the published work. This means you are in control of your idea(s).
  • Our publication process is very fast: one-week publication-guarantee.
  • Our journal is indexed in Google Scholar.

 Where to submit:

  • Register at
  • Click on “New Submission”
  • Select “Scholar”, “Freelancer”, “College”, or “High School” Section
  • Check all submission requirements
  • Upload your file (poster or paper)
  • Select “Article Text”
  • In the “Metadata” tab, enter the Title, Abstract, and Keywords of your project(s)
  • You can also add other team members in the “List of Collaborators” section

If the above submission process seems too far complicated for you, simply email your work to , and we will take care of your submission.


 Dr. Hassan Nameghi, Editor of the Journal of Innovative Ideas in Engineering and Technology, (313) 317-1746